The second Monday on October in the U.S. is the day of Columbus, COLUMBUS DAY. Thanks to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Columbus Day became a national holiday in the United States in 1937. In this anniversary long-awaited and much-celebrated, I believe that Americans not only celebrate an Italian who discovered their continent on the distant 12th of October, in 1492. I believe that America celebrates and applauds Italy! The United States is the foreign nation with the largest numbers of Italian in the world, they love everything about Italy, history, culture, beauty and charm. It is just like that, the United States of America, representing the West of the West, are madly in love with Italy. And New York, the daughter most bright and sparkling, shows all this love every year in its main street: Fifth Avenue. Columbus Day is an incredible party where children become adults and children play with a sacred role as adults, aware of the role an responsibilities. Benvenuta Italia has experienced this 69th Columbus Day and tell it through the faces and exciting scenes of that day, captured by David Mark Erickson, a New-Yorker photographer.
David Mark Erickson is an accomplished New York based photographer and photojournalist. Throughout his career, David has lived and worked in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. David specializes in event photography and more of David’s work can be seen here: