I have recently been elected as the new president of the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber’s extensive 130 year history in addition to the varying Board members throughout the Chamber’s existence who have consistently worked to furt her develop the IACC’s activities and influence, puts myself and the current board in an increasingly challenging position to continue this progress in a vigorous and energetic manner. Currently, our primary focus is rendering the Chamber’s activities more relevant and significant to the membership base, and we have already made preliminary steps in an effort to achieve this. In my career as a manager, I have emphasized the importance of pragmatism in a business setting, while looking for concrete short-term and long-term results for any given activity. We have three important years together to look forward to, which include the 130th anniversary of the Chamber in 2017. With this letter, I have the pleasure to share wit h you some of the most compelling objectives for the future of the Chamber in an effort to reach the ultimate goal of promotion and development for all companies affiliated with the IACC. To better explain the plans in place to continue the development of the Chamber in the future, we thought to begin with the actual acronym of the “Italy-America Chamber of Commerce”. The IACC brand is recognized all over the world and is synonymous with pro-activity, therefore we found it appropriate to use our own acronym as the inspiration and focus for the four main points of our plan for 2015/2018: I – INCOMING, A – ACTIVITY, C – COMMUNITY, C – CUSTOMERS.
INCOMING – Our objective is to increase the number of members with valuable companies who are able to positively and constructively contribute to the existing membership community.
ACTIVITY – The Chamber is already very active in the organization of various events, to which we will add market research initiatives and knowledge management. These types of activities will be a valuable resource for the membership base, providing relevant tools for emerging companies in order to better understand the complex distinction between the business worlds of products and services.
COMMUNITY – The idea is to establish a diversified community within the Chamber. Those members who are interested will eventually have the opportunity to participate in “think tanks” that are relevant to their sector. YEX – Young Executives Committee and the Women’s Forum which are becoming increasingly active, and in addition we will set “informative forums” in place with international media and social media experts.
CUSTOMERS – The main objective of the Chamber is to generate opportunities for the membership base to expand their clientele. To make this goal possible, the Chamber must continue to increase in value as a promotional platform for the membership base, by means of communication and marketing activities/services. My ambition, and that of the board, is to develop the IACC as an entity that positively contributes to the growth and success of all companies which are affiliated.
Alberto Carlo Milani is the Board Advisor of Buccellati Americas and President of the Italy America Chamber of Commerce in New York. Since he began his career at Buccellati, the brand has experienced rapid sales growth and is now positioned as the most exclusive jewelry brand in the USA as the number one market within the company worldwide. Before joining Buccellati, he held executive positions with Procter & Gamble, Sector Sport Watches and Bulgari. Alberto is a world-wide frequent speaker at industry, branding and educational venues. His visionary approach has been recognized by world-wide publications and market leaders. His definition of mission and corporate positioning by taking an innovative approach to all facets of the marketing mix are a true benchmark for the next generation of managers.